Another beautiful Fall walk


It was just starting to get dark when I took the dogs for their walk tonight.  The trees are beautiful welcoming you into our woods.


On the other side the horses are enjoying their last bit of pasture grass as it’s now starting to slow down on growth.


This beautiful orange yellow tree greets you as you  enter the woods


About 1/4 mile back you will cross the creek which is beginning to fill up now after being mainly dry for the past few months.  The bridge is covered in fallen leaves and makes a beautiful crunch sound while crossing


And the opening to the hard woods is where you end up next about 1/2 mile further.  The smell in this area draws me in and the beauty of the leaves is stunning even at dusk.  You can see a newly fallen dead tree has now changed the look of the entrance since I walked last


On another trail home this stark collection of birch trees watches you pass.  Their leaves are almost gone but even in the bareness, the white of their bark is something to behold


And you have come full circle after 45 minutes where the horses didn’t notice you were gone


But they will come to see you when you get close for a quick pat to their neck


And a good scratch on the tree

This is how I find my inner peace 🙂