1955 Prestige Silverware Set

Prestige 1955

Today we had lunch with the man of the houses parents.  We then stopped at their house to pick up a silverware set his mother purchased before her graduation day from High School in 1955!!!

Every year “grandma Ruth” (the man’s mother) always asks us for Christmas gift ideas.  It was hard for her at first to understand my requests at Christmas.  I am a very practical person.  Sure, I love the finer things, but when someone is willing to spend money on me, I will choose something practical that I want and that I would love to save the money on buying for myself.  Some things I have requested are:  muck boots, black dress socks, leather driving gloves, a toaster and last year I asked for a toolbox with a few tools and different size nails I could use in my barn.  The first few years she would beg me to pick something different and now 16 years later, I think she knows me well enough to realize these are “gifts” to me.  Awesome gifts!!

So when she asked me the other day what I would like I was quick to tell her “silverware”.  Our set is now missing many things (I am sure the kids removed them at some point to dig outside or to take fishing in the creek).  I would like to have service for 8 again on all pieces.  Ruth then said to me, “you know I have a set I purchased before graduation from high school sitting in the basement” and before she could finish I said YES!!


You see these are not just silverware pieces.  These are special pieces she purchased as a young girl to take into her future with whoever her husband to be was and for the family she was certain to have.  These pieces were hope of a wonderful life and future.  These pieces were part of the mans childhood.  Through the years she has kept this set perfect.  This set means more to me than she will probably ever know.


The box has been carefully stored through the many years only making an appearance at a few very special family gatherings.  In my 16 years, I had never seen them.  Yet today opening the beautiful box they were delivered in so many years ago, these pieces are in perfect condition.


The certificate of registration of this hand picked set is in the box.  All the original paperwork and receipts are gently folded inside.

IMG_0739 silver

The silver etiquette book with complete instructions and pictures for the use and care of the silver is included laying gently on top.


There are many different serving pieces included.

I can hardly wait to use these at Thanksgiving when Ruth will be here to enjoy the future she chose and purchased so many years ago.  I will cherish this set and we will use it often with the same hope Ruth had for it so long ago.  I will save the paperwork and pass this set onto my children who I can only hope will cherish it as much as I do.



One thought on “1955 Prestige Silverware Set

  1. This is a gift to cherish. Use it every day with a smile. When I had to move my mother (very hurriedly) I got rid of so many things, including her flatware. You can’t imagine how many time I’ve kicked myself!

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