The Giving Tree

Beautiful Tree

Beautiful Tree

This beautiful tree was incorporated into our goat area.  It provides much needed shade in the summer.  But this tree is much more than just a shade provider.

I have enjoyed this tree since I was 6 years old.  It is a tree that boasts splendor by it’s size and beauty.  Until 8 years ago it was surrounded by brush and fields and growing up we made trails to it to climb and play under.

Under the tree

Under the tree

After clearing the area for our goats, this tree was even more spectacular.  It is a “show piece” on the property and the goats and chickens enjoy it’s shade and leaves while the kids enjoy the rope we have attached to it.  They can strengthen their muscles  climbing it or relax swinging from it.

Boys, Goats & Chickens

Boys, Goats & Chickens

This is our “Giving Tree”.

Easy Chicken Pot Pie


On nights when there is little time and I still want to put a meal on the table, I pull out one of my “cheater” recipes.  These are recipes that are made with store bought ingredients and can made quickly so you can have that 10 minute family meal!!

Here is how I make our “cheater” Easy Pot Pie on my facebook page:  Easy Chicken Pot Pie

Farm Living


Goat house and pasture

Sometimes there are little projects that nag at you.  We have had a horse fence that needed mending for almost 2 months and we have some chickens who have taken up rooming in the goat house and needed a place of their own if they are to stay there for the winter.

Both of the projects were completed this weekend along with getting the snowmobiles out and tuned up, cheer practice, and 3 hockey games.  Add to that 2 trips to the mall to buy jeans and then exchange jeans, regular farm work with the animals, and some great burgers for dinner.  All in all a productive weekend!!

Here is a recap of our work.  I have a few little things to do like decorate!!!  But other than that, it’s now perfect for all animals to reside in for the winter.


Farm helpers Chance and his buddy Graer with the man fixing the horse pasture


Gutting the goat house to redesign

The goats were anxiously awaiting to see what was taking place in their home

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A new wall was designed to let chickens pass but not goats

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A cool old piece of cupboard that was a garbage pick was designed for a door into the chicken area


The chickens were getting worried so decided to huddle under cover waiting to see their home while others decided to keep scratching for some lunch

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And inside the roosting area, feeding, area and natural nesting boxes were being put in place.  We will look for decorations as the days go on and find some fitting pieces to decorate their area.  So far they love their new home.

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Next up was cleaning out the snowmobile trailer and priming the sleds for the upcoming season followed with 2 wins of hockey games!!


And now while everyone is asleep, I am having a night cap to end a great weekend


Beautiful Sky


Today was a very busy day mending a horse fence and re-doing the inside of the goat/chicken house for the winter and our growing chicken flock.  As the later part of the afternoon was setting in on a very overcast, windy day, it was a beautiful sight looking overhead at the big white puffy clouds highlighted by the bright sun trying to peek out!!

Fall in Buffalo, NY is beautiful this year 🙂

My heart and soul horse

This is Bailey (registered name Mason D. Brown).  He was the first horse I bought after my horse of 19 years had to be put down at the very old age of 36.   I swore I would never get another horse after Sugar because it was so hard to let him go.   But as fate would have it, Bailey stole my heart and I had to have him.

It’s been 13 wonderful years!!  I have added 2 more to the herd over the years but I am forever thankful to Bailey for bringing me back into the horse world.

Heading out to feed them all now 🙂

Roasted Chicken


I know I have said it before but when your local store has a sale on whole chickens you should always buy a few.  This was a six pound chicken that I paid under $6.00 for.   I bought 3 more to store in the freezer.

I slow roasted this chicken today and this will be 3 meals for our family.  The first was roasted chicken with all the “fixins”.  I shredded the dark meat to make chicken pot pie later and diced the rest of the meat left over to make chicken soup with.

Here is how I like to roast our chicken.  It always comes out juicy and full of flavor!

1 Whole chicken

Carrots (3 whole chopped or organic baby carrots)

1 onion

3 chicken bouillon cubes

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1 cup water

For Gravy

1 heaping Tablespoon cornstarch

3 Tablespoons water

Juice from pan


Wash the chicken first


Lay the carrots and onion on the bottom of the pan with all the seasonings and cubes


Place the chicken on top and add the water.  You can sprinkle salt and pepper on the chicken.  Cover and if slow cooking cook at 200 degrees for 7 hours.  Remove the cover and turn heat up to 350 and bake until the skin browns (about 25-35 minutes).  If you are not slow cooking, bake this at 350 degrees for an hour and remove cover and bake until skin is browned and juices run clear (about 35 – 45 minutes more)

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It should look like the above picture and this is what will be in the pan when you remove it.


Drain the juice into a pot.  You can use a fine strainer but I don’t care about little bits in the gravy so I use a spoon to hold the veggies and bits in and pour the juice right into the pot.

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Using a small glass or cup mix 1 heaping Tablespoon cornstarch in 3 Tablespoons water


Bring the juice to a boil and add the cornstarch mixture stirring slowly until thickened.  Your wonderful gravy is done

Cook the sides you are serving and open a jar or can if you don’t make your own of cranberry sauce.


Dinner number 1 is served and boy was it good!!






Rice A Roni Meatballs

My friend shared this recipe with me.  This is a quick, delicious and very easy meal for busy weeknights.  I added a few more ingredients than she did and this is a recipe you can adjust and add things you like to it.

You can find more pictures and the recipe on my Facebook page here:  Rice A Roni Meatballs

Another beautiful Fall walk


It was just starting to get dark when I took the dogs for their walk tonight.  The trees are beautiful welcoming you into our woods.


On the other side the horses are enjoying their last bit of pasture grass as it’s now starting to slow down on growth.


This beautiful orange yellow tree greets you as you  enter the woods


About 1/4 mile back you will cross the creek which is beginning to fill up now after being mainly dry for the past few months.  The bridge is covered in fallen leaves and makes a beautiful crunch sound while crossing


And the opening to the hard woods is where you end up next about 1/2 mile further.  The smell in this area draws me in and the beauty of the leaves is stunning even at dusk.  You can see a newly fallen dead tree has now changed the look of the entrance since I walked last


On another trail home this stark collection of birch trees watches you pass.  Their leaves are almost gone but even in the bareness, the white of their bark is something to behold


And you have come full circle after 45 minutes where the horses didn’t notice you were gone


But they will come to see you when you get close for a quick pat to their neck


And a good scratch on the tree

This is how I find my inner peace 🙂