Farm Kids


This picture really captures the essence of “farm kids” in my mind.  I love how they still at 13 and 10 appreciate their farm animals and remain the little “farm kids” we have raised them to be.

We built a larger run for the chickens tonight so they have more room to free range safely when we are not home.

You can see more cute chicken pictures on our Facebook page here:  Cute chickens

In the moment


Sometimes all you need is a bit of sunshine, warm ground, and a great place to rest your mind and body.

Coming back from a walk in our woods today the horses were enjoying the warm earth for the first time this season.  I envied them being able to lay there in utter peace, no worries, no responsibilities, just  to be.


Interestingly enough the two relaxing are my geldings (male horses).  They are both so different in personality.  My oldest one turned 25 last week.  This is a “senior” horse now.  He’s always been a loving animal, so full of pride and so gentle.  He has a very hard time trusting people and things and after 14 years, it still warms my heart to see him be able to relax like this.  The other one is a 16 year old who has the personality of an eight year old boy.  Full of mischief, inquisitive, loving and carefree.  He trusts his older brother with his life. He does not like to be far from him and knows he can lay next to his brother and not have a care in  the world.


And yet while these two are having their moment of inner peace, there is my mare (female) horse standing to the side.  She is an 18 year old gentle soul.  She is brave and trusting and skimpy with showing her love for you.  But it’s there and you can feel it even when she doesn’t show it.

Stopping and looking at them after my relaxing walk, it came to my mind that she is like me.  I want to relax, I want to lay on the warm ground and not have a care in the world.  I envy people who are able to do that.  Shut off the world and just be.  But that is not in my makeup.

And so like my mare, I will be content with where I’m at and accept who I am knowing I may never be able to “just be” and that’s ok.

Circle of Life


Living on a farm it’s very important to teach the kids at the earliest age possible about the circle of life.  We have had many animals that have touched our lives here.  Flash was one of them.  He was a one of a kind rooster for sure and lived a good long life for a bantum chicken.  When he started showing his age last week we made him as comfortable as possible.

His funny personality and antics will be sorely missed, but we are thankful for the 7 years he was a part of our family.

You can see more pictures of our Flashy on my Facebook page here:   Flash

I need this sign


We are adding to our little chicken clutch tomorrow.  These cute little ladies will be coming home with me


How could I not when they need a new home?????  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!

Now it’s up to the kids to name them 🙂


Inner Clock


Mysty waiting when I pull in from work


Yelling to me as I walk out the door towards the barn

This mare loves her food. She knows exactly when I get home from work and waits at the fence for me to pull in. She stares and watches me as I walk in the house not caring that the rest of her herd will not join her standing and waiting.

When I come out after changing into barn clothes, she yells to me I imagine to hurry me along.

As soon as the goats here her yell, they peek their heads around the corner of their house to confirm I am on my way with everyone’s lunch!

Dashing Through the Snow….


It’s our “Wrinkles”deer

Well this was fun tonight trying to get our dog to keep this headband on.  But a few yummy treats soon had her sitting pretty for a picture!!

Wrinkles is our crazy rescue dog (you can read about her here).  And while she is truly crazy most times, she is coming around and proving to be a great farm dog!!


Look what we have here!!

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Meet the newest members to the ranch.  I don’t know what it is when someone says “hey Tina, we are getting a few more chickens, want any?”  Something happens before my brain even thinks and it says yes, yes, you need those chickens.  And this is what you get!!

These cuties are Pablo (the little black one), Sid (the yellow one) and Road Runner (the big one in back).  The kids named them before we even had them out of the box.

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The two little ones are bantam chickens (small chickens in size) and the larger one will be a medium sized hen.  Hopefully they are all egg layers and earn their keep!!

Either way, they are adorable and hopefully our chickens will welcome them shortly and show them the ropes around the ranch!!