The Story of the Woodpecker and Finch


I know, I know…yes another bird picture from me.  I can’t help myself!

I was going to take a picture of the colorful woodpecker eating at the feeder and that’s where the story begins…….

The hungry woodpecker was happily enjoying his breakfast.  He didn’t have a care in the world even when he noticed me with a camera watching him in the window.   He was a relaxed woodpecker enjoying life on a cold snowy morning.

Along came the golden yellow, beautiful, small finch.  He eyed up the feeder and saw it held many treats for a hungry bird.  He did a fly by once and then again. Out of nowhere he appeared with wings spread and an angry look on his face.  He zeroed right in on the happy woodpecker and chased him away!


And he ate and ate until his heart was content

The End!!  For today that is…..

Comfort Food

I follow the blog of a talented woman and wonderful writer.  Cynthia Reyes was one of the first blogs I found when I looked into the “blogging” world.  I was immediately drawn in by her stunning photography and the way in which she “uses” words to explain her posts.

Her recent post Idiot-Proof Comfort Food had me laughing as usual when she shared she made a 2 ingredient recipe and forgot one of the ingredients!  Her book, which is available on her website, is as entertaining and fun to read as her blog.  On vacation last summer, I could barely put it down reading into the wee hours of the morning!

I decided to try this recipe yesterday and while it takes time, it was worth every minute!  The nice part was I was able to do chores around the house while it cooked.

Here are some pictures of how I made the recipe she shared!


This is the finished dish and let me tell you, for someone trying to watch their diet, this fills just about every food desire you have.  It’s sweet, savory, filling and delicious!

I followed the directions using setting 1 on our electric stove.  I also used about 1 TBSP of butter and 1 TBSP of olive oil when I started the onions.  I covered it as well.  The potatoes do get a bit mushy if you stir it when it’s done but I like it that way.

I portioned mine out into small containers and will use it as my “fill in” snack in between meals this week.  It may not last a week as my mother has already dug in to get herself a bowl!!

Do take the time to visit Cynthia’s blog.  I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do!

Car Wash Terror


Winter in Buffalo means buying car wash books to keep the salt off your cars. After a morning car wash today, by nightfall it’s all back.


I remember when my daughter was old enough to realize she was terrified of the car wash. We pulled in and she was excited waiting to go through the “Octopus” wash.


And then the “Octopus” hit the car and she let out a whimper and asked to hold my hand.

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And then came the red spinner.  The whimper grew a bit louder and she let go to plug her ears.

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I told her to look at the pretty lights outside the soap suds but soon the window was covered and she said “hurry mommy turn on the car lights so it’s not dark in here”.


A quick rinse and hot dryers and she could see the day light in her near future and she very sternly stated “I never wanna go in there again”.

I think at the age of 12 she is finally getting over her traumatic car wash fear 🙂