Sunday happenings

It’s been a few weeks (actually almost 2 months) since we have had a Sunday at home.  Cheer games were on Sundays and the past few weeks there have been hockey tournaments out of town.  Today was a great day to be home and get some things done with only a hockey practice to attend.

The morning started with animal and barn chores.  The rabbit cage was prepped and set up for winter, the last few garden decorations were stored away for the winter, the vegetable garden items were removed from the gardens and stored also.

Then it was time to make some Split Pea Soup for dinner.

start IMG_0745 done

The tween and her friend decided to help make an apple pie

apple pie pie hotpie

and the woodburner was fired up with the first fire of the fall to season it for the coming months.

first fire fall 2014

It felt so great to be home!!!!

You can find my Split Pea Soup Recipe here:  Split Pea Soup

And our Apple Pie Recipe here:  Apple Pie

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